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EZ820-DC-RC Ver.8 vs 11?

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I received 2 different versions of EZ820-DC-RC.
They came as Version:8 and 11 but none of them is explicitly shown in easySoft-Pro V.6.91 Device Number Selection.

Can somebody explain the differences between Versions 8 and 11?

Which easySoft-Pro model should I use when asked in Device Number Selection?


Dear John.

Let's start with your 2nd question.

The selectable versions in EasySoft are are always "version xx or higher",
therefore you may select
  - for hardware version 11 : all items
  - for hardware version 8 : all except "version 10 and higher"
Regarding the differences between hardware Version 8 and 11 I have no clue,
but the main differences between the selectable version 7 and 10 in EasySoft are
  - the format of the memory card/adaptor is changed,
  - the set-up for Easy209-SE extension is changed

At the function blocks and their parameters there is no difference.


Thanks Maikky,

Can you expand on how "- the format of the memory card/adaptor is changed" ?


Dear John.

The expression "format" may be confusing.

The memory card stores the progarmm, the parameters of each function block and
general parameters like P-buttons used or  not etc.

If you for example write a card with a version 8 and put it into a version 11 the data
will definitely be transferred and the program will run.

If you write a card with version 11 and put it into version 7 it depends whether your
program uses any block or parameter unknown to version 8 or not.
In case there is any unkown part the data will not be transferred.

As far as I know there is no difference in function blocks and parameters between
EasySoft version 7 and 10 and therefore the lower version also is able to read the
higher version. To be on the safe side just generate the progarmm with EasySoft
Version 7 regardless whether the hardware version is 8 or 11.


Thanks Maikky for your excellent explanation!



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