
English Support - Hardware => easy topics (general) => Thema gestartet von: esarm am August 18, 2005, 18:53:55 Nachmittag

Titel: Problem with memory
Beitrag von: esarm am August 18, 2005, 18:53:55 Nachmittag
I have a problem whit my project, I have three Easy 822 DC, and my memory is almost full,  I need more lines of programming. The only way to have more lines of programming is add one device or is possible with a memory extern. Because my control board is small and don’t have more place.
Titel: Re: Problem with memory
Beitrag von: DiscoStu am August 18, 2005, 20:06:22 Nachmittag

is it possible for you to set your programm online?
Possibly we can reduce it.
If you don´t want to publish it you can send me a pn and i´ll give you
my email adress.


Titel: Re: Problem with memory
Beitrag von: DiscoStu am August 18, 2005, 21:32:53 Nachmittag

a pn is a personal message. In german Pirvate Nachricht.

You can send it when you click on the nick of a person.

