Hallo "kstenseth71,
The 3 byte modules defined in the GSD-File moel4d10.gsd are used to send the operands R1 to R16 from the PLC to the Easy800 (module 0xA2) and to receive the operands S1 to S8 from the Easy800 into the PLC (module 0x92). If you want to read/write other word operands like MD1 to MD96, it must be done using the 9 byte module (module 0xB8) from the GSD.
How to handle this is described in the "Operating manual EASY204-DP Profibus-DP Slave Interface, 05/03 AWB2528-1401GB" which is available at the Moeller FTP-Server. (URL:
Chapter 4 (page 33ff) deals with the 3 byte modules for the R/S operands, while chapter 7, starting at page 79 gives you a detailed help with the 9 byte module.
For the 3 byte output module (module 0xA2, operands R1 to R16) you should set the first byte (byte 0, table 3 at page 35) to 0x10 or 0x20 according to the received value of byte 0 in the 3 byte input module (module 0x92) as described in table 1 at page 33 (with/without debounce). Don't use the Commands 0x30/0x40 and don't leave this byte at 0x00, that wouldn't work.
I'm not sure if this helps or if you already found out this information or may be given up in the meantime.
Sorry, I can't help you with the problem, how to handle your PLC Profibus master, because I do know nothing about the Fanuc PLC system.
Best regards