English Support - Hardware > easyControl

EC4P expension


Dear Forum readers,

We are planning a project with the EC4P unit for the purpose of an energy manager unit (home inveronment) for solar energy, heatpump and central heating system). The E4CP unit is a very powerfull unit, but looks a bit skinny if we talk about hardware, unless you would connect a lot of controllers into a network.

So, to make sure that we are on budget, we need to know how far we get with this unit.

- We need between 16 and 20 outputs, 10 to 15 inputs (digital) and at least 8 analog inputs. What is the least expensive methode.
- Is it possible to expand the unit, without using the easy 800. Otherwise we need to learn 2 different programming languages.
- Is it possible to connect via the easybus and drive directly a number of relais. This means that we would have to make an easybus module.
- What is the protocol of the bus? How is the hardware configuration (is it RS422 alike?)

To make no mistakes, it is about EC4P and NOT ES4P.

Although I have never tried it, I would think you could use the onboard CanOpen interface and some XI/ON style I/O over the canbus.  This would be much more customizable than linking together 800's.


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