
Deutsch - Hardware => easyE4 => Thema gestartet von: srd am Juni 24, 2024, 13:33:49 Nachmittag

Titel: new rtd screen creating
Beitrag von: srd am Juni 24, 2024, 13:33:49 Nachmittag
Hi All
           When creating new screens for some reason the align buttons and the flip and rotate buttons are greyed out and not useable. Anybody know what i need to do so i can use these when creating screens. Cheers
Titel: Antw:new rtd screen creating
Beitrag von: TonyC am Juni 24, 2024, 17:55:35 Nachmittag
Hi srd

Just had a quick look and seems you need to highlight at least 2 objects (eg 2 x Static Texts) before the align buttons become useable.
For the rotate I inserted a bitmap and it worked fine on that.
