
English Support - Software => easySoft => Thema gestartet von: sasko am Februar 06, 2014, 21:33:41 Nachmittag

Titel: Possibility of bug in my program or simulator - FORGET MW and MB covered
Beitrag von: sasko am Februar 06, 2014, 21:33:41 Nachmittag

I attached the program, we have 2 box of some stuff. First count stuff in box 1 when box 1 is full then count box 2 and then stop counting. We have red light and green light. Green light mean box not full, red box full. MW 1 is settable over display. Reset is over input 2 and 3. Why when box 1 is full subtract the program one pcs ?

I still wait for the hardware, I didn't try on the hardware.
Best reggards