Before purchasing the MFD, I have a few things I want to clear out.
Originally, I want to have a combination of the following:
MFD-80-B (display) + MFD-AC-CP8-ME (power supply/CPU) + MFD-AC-R16 (I/O)
which makes sense
But then I realize that if I use the standard I/O module (MFD-AC-R16), the outputs won't be enough to suit my application.
So I checked the expansion units, then found EASY618-AC-RE, which is compatible according to the manual.
So my question is, can I use the expansion unit (EASY618-AC-RE) WITHOUT the standard I/O unit (MFD-AC-R16)
That would save me some money.
And if I am going to use the expansion unit, which cable do I need to connect it to the power supply/CPU and the display unit? Please provide me the specific part number.
Thanks a lot!!